Making the Mouth-Watering Delicacy: Ekpang Nkukwo

Ekpang Nkukwo is one of the traditional delicacies of the Efiks and Ibibios. Made with cocoyam and little wateryam, this meal is enjoyed by many and contains the basic classes of food, the flavour and taste are lip-smacking.

It doesn't take the services of an aged woman who has lived in the village for long to make it tasty, you too can prepare this meal at the comfort of your home and get everyone in the neighborhood rushing to your front door. All you need do is follow these simple steps and your delectable Ekpang Nkukwo would be ready to serve to anyone at all.

Firstly find below, the ingredients needed to prepare it:
  • 1kg Cocoyam, peeled, washed and grated
  • 100g Wateryam (optional), peeled, washed and grated 
  • Fresh Cocoyam leaves,Spinach or Pumpkin leaves
  • 500g Meat, Goatmeat,Snails or Fish (optional)
  • 6 cups of Stock 
  • 2 cups Hot Water
  • 300g Dried Fish 
  • 200g Stockfish, slightly cooked
  • 3/4cup Crayfish
  • 2 cups of prawns or shrimps
  • Chilli Pepper to taste
  • 3 Maggi Cubes
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 medium sized, Onion bulb
  • 2 cups Palm Oil
  • 5 cups Shelled Periwinkle (optional)
  • 2tbsp scent leaf, chopped

  • And now the directions:
  • Season and boil the meat to get out the stock
  • Cook the shelled periwinkle for about 5 minutes in salted water and wash properly
  • Pour the periwinkle in the pot to form a base
  • Add one cup of palm oil
  • To the cocoyam and wateryam mixture, crush and sprinkle over 1 cube of Maggi and about 1/2tsp of salt
  • Mix properly with your fingertips or with a wooden stick
  • Use the leaves to make small wraps with the cocoyam and wateryam starting from one tip of the leaf to the other end
  • Make wraps until all the mixture is finished
  • Boil about 2 cups of water
  • Put the ekpang on fire and add the 2 cups of water and steam for about 5mins
  • Add the meat, dried fish and stockfish
  • Add the crayfish, chilli pepper, onions, maggi cubes
  • Add the stock and allow to cook for about 15mins on medium heat
  • Add the shrimps, remaining palm oil, scent leaf and salt to taste
  • Stir and slightly mash or just cut through with a knife
  • If it still isn't properly cooked, add a little more water and allow to cook further on low heat
  • Serve in a flat plate

  • P.S: Remember to thank me by sending a plate....


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