Phavur's Diaries

It’s so amazing how people change, you know I sometimes wonder if a change agent was infused into humanity at the time of creation. I am a young lady growing into a woman and have realized over the years that TIME a most valuable resource has worked hand in hand with change well its not about to stop anytime soon. Tall, slim and hoping to be a pastor very soon. I was born into a Christian family,nonetheless I didn’t have any kind of relationship whatsoever with God. Just last year though I got into this very intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and it has been amazing…. I have now become very spiritual and my principles have changed too, well my mentor told me that as long as you are born again and most importantly have a constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit, challenges would come. Well I have never been one who talks too much, and have not really had many friends so my life has been a quiet one. In summary am a principled young lady who doesn’t live up to the standards of this present day.Recently I met two wonderful guys Olatunde Williams and Olamide Williams 25 years and 22 respectively. I met them in a most interesting way that’s a story for another day….. We worship in the same ministry but in different areas. Olatunde is a bit outgoing, kinda likes to hang out and loves gisting, Olamide on the other hand is very calm a bit shy and surprisingly loves meeting new friends. They are both intelligent, handsome have almost the same line of duty and are in love. Was I supposed to say this shhhhh!!!!!! don’t say I told you ohhh…… The Story continues in the next volume READ ON…….


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