Phavur's Diaries(Vol 4)

I was shocked could it be a joke? does Tunde really have a girlfriend? Why didn’t he tell me? All these questions ran through my mind but I just put it off and set about my daily chores. My day went as usual, nothing much to do I read a few books and slept mostly. At about 10pm I got a call from Tunde, we chatted as usual, he didn’t say anything about the incidence neither did I, he told me how much he missed me and longed to take me out on a date.

I just laughed and brushed the topic aside, I asked him how his day went and trust Tunde to give me exact details, I also told him how my day went, and then he ended the call promising to call me the following day. I couldn’t help but smile, am I starting to like him I thought? Hmmmn whatever will be will be sha!! And so I went to bed smiling again. At exactly 5am the next morning, my mum came into my room and informed me that my elder sister who had travelled to the US for eight years would be returning, and she would come visiting later in the day with her friends and then she left. Of course it was a call to action, so I immediately went down on my kneel as is my custom and prayed for 2 mins, then I freshened up and went downstairs to begin the preparation for her homecoming.
I had to wash all the curtains, clean the windows and the fans, and prepare dinner with my mum. By the time we were done at half past six in the evening, my sister had arrived with her friends and well wishers I guess? Cos they were just too much to be only her friends.

 I was worn out and suddenly remembered I had eaten anything that day, I got some money from my mum’s purse to get myself some biscuits as I had lost my appetite for food with all the cooking. On my way back, I saw Tunde and the mystery girl on his phone, could she be the Caro I thought to myself? Well there was no harm in asking , so I walked up to him and was about to give him a side hug when he stepped aside and offered his hands instead. I didn’t understand, why would he do that it was then I noticed the way the girl standing beside him was looking at me, (you know all those kind of who are you looks). So I didn’t even shake him at all and turned to leave when Tunde shouted my name. I turned back to check only to get a dashing slap across my face, for once my breathing stopped and all I could hear were strange noises in my ears. By the time I opened my eyes I saw the mystery girl standing in front me, ready to fight. I couldn’t utter a word, my brain was even functioning right, the only thing I knew best to do was to leave for home immediately.

I didn’t even greet my sister or her friends, I just went up to my room and cried before sleeping off, I woke up at 2am with a throbbing headache and several pangs of hunger, I looked around for the packets of biscuit I had bought the previous day and ate them, after which I took the remaining tablets of paracetamol I always had in my room for emergency cases like this. I felt a bit relieved and took my phone to check if there were any missed calls or messages, I had received two messages one from Caro and the other from Tunde. I decided to read Tunde’s own first cos I knew it would be about yesterday’s incidence his message read thus: I am really sorry about today, my elder sister is very protective of me, I promise it won’t happen again, hope you are good, much love. I sighed in response to the message and checked Caro’s own: young lady I warned you before hand to stay away from my boyfriend but you didn’t listen, I guess the slap would reset your brain nonsense. Haaaa Tunde!!!!!!! Was all I could say


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