The Diary of A Teenage Christian Girl

Okay so I realized that I am fast outgrowing my teenage years and I have had so many wonderful experiences that I didn’t keep track of. Well I want to do so now and I hope you find them interesting, educative and inspiring.

PS: They could be boring too but just bear with me that’s how I am.

Monday 12th September, 2016.

Its 6:12 am and I just woke up, I stretch and yawn its almost as though I was working throughout the night. My body still aches and brain keeps giving these unpleasant signals that have become the other day of recent. Headaches, nausea, abdominal pain and all what not, but then I have got lotta things to do today so am up and bustling trying not to take notice of whatever feelings I have.

7:32am I am in the office now and am extremely cold, my hands are freezing and my head is swirling, no one is around yet so I take that opportunity to sleep for a little while which I end up doing for 2 hours. My phone rings and its my best friend and colleague calling to tell me of a training we have. (My mood 15 degrees: cold, sleepy, tired) but I get up and leave. The training is interesting cos its with other teenagers and they make it lively, worthy of mention is the speaker for today she’s so unique and has an amazing sense of humor. This brightens me up and catapults (my mood to an outstanding 65 degrees: livened up, smiley and stronger). The training lasts for 1 hour 30 minutes and am back to the office now.

Okay so there’s something I noticed I didn’t introduce myself and I just got on blabbering on what I did and didn’t do. Sorry! My name is Grace Affiong, I am 19 going on 20, tall, dark, slim and beautifully made. My close friends call me Gracy, you can if you want to. I am an introvert, even though my close friends don’t think so. I am a Christian, and I love God and everything that pertains to Him with the whole of my heart. I gave my heart to Christ at a very young age, 9? yeah 9, It was inspired by Sinach’s song You Deserve….oh what an amazing experience I had that day!!!! I am from a large family which I love so much and I worship in the renowned Believer’s Loveworld Incorporated aka Christ Embassy. I am a leader in the teens church and a very vital part of the ministry in general. I am awaiting admission into the university so am working as an intern somewhere you don’t know about.

 I have five best friends each of them unique and special in their own way. Well everyone is my friend, so that’s why these five are my besties. Amazingly one is way older than I am, ehmmmmm he is actually my mentor…well you have to be friends with your mentor right? It’s for your own good, then my amazing twinnie Jennifer Sage, my long time friend Chi Chi, my new found friend who has become a brother Lascombo and finally finally ME. Yes me I am friends with myself too. I guess I have introduced myself well enough…not to worry with time you’d get to know and understand me better, this teenage Christian girl has got a lot in store for you!!!!!

It’s 2:00pm and my stomach is rumbling, I haven’t had anything to eat since morning and its taking its toll on me. I have got nothing to do so I am just listening to some songs and surfing the net. Did I mention that I love singing and writing too? yeah that’s me….

3:31 pm: I just had indomie and eggs which I could not even finish…My taste buds these days ehhh. Several people have warned me about my eating habits, but at this time in my life I don’t think food is a priority. Getting into a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, winning more souls, loving Jesus more, helping the needy, and influencing my world with the investment of my personality that has been built up by the word is on my top list. Okay did I mention? There are several characteristics of a teenage Christian girl in the world today that has been set by the Church which I should follow, some of them I have and the other ones I am trying to follow. It’s so much fun being different and sometimes lonely. Nobody understands you, they think you are pretending to be holy..its just so weird that no one believes that in this world of today a teenage girl can survive without a boyfriend. It’s a sort of discrimination or stigmatization but what do I care? Jesus suffered enough for my sake for me to let my guards down.

4:09 pm: I am downloading songs to listen at home…I am feeling very funny now, but God is my strength. I think I should say my confessions for healthy living now…pffftt!!! I would be right back…Just gimme thirty minutes….

5:17 pm After my confessions I decided to rest a little more…I feel much stronger….I’m preparing to go home now, tidying up my work area and writing out my to do list for tomorrow…It helps to make my work very organized… I’d be back again..but till then keep your fingers crossed I have got great news for you…See ya!!!!!


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