What the World Needs(An Open Letter to my Son)

Dear treasured Dee Bobo,

I've been thinking of what to do to celebrate you, for you are one of God's priceless gifts to me. The type that needs to be celebrated every other day, I'm glad its your birthday today, I can seize that opportunity. I remember the first time I met you, the laughter, music, joy and your pure heart of gold. All I saw was a man who loves God, a man whose desire is to please the Father.

I have watched you grow, live life, the only life of God. I love how you love me, how you love people, how you love God. Its beyond me to express the happiness I feel today knowing someone as great as you is associated with me. I still have something tangible for you as a birthday present but in the mean time, I'd like to share a few things with you, principles and values that have put me ahead in life and have set me on the glorious future I'm living in. I hope you take them and use them for it would produce a far more exceeding result for you.

1. Know and Be the Love of God, that love that surpasses human understanding. Love is a place, Love is safety, Love is You. In this cold and dying world, the heart of man is increasingly failing due to fear, for some, fear of the unknown, for others, fear of the future. But you see love? Love casts out fear, stay in Him, Show his love to this dying world, let His love help you save them.

2. Don't Change Yourself for anything and anyone, you are who you are and the world needs who you are. Keep building,keep investing, don't settle for less. Daily add excellence to yourself, be versatile, know a little about everything, trust me there'd come a time when the world would demand from you what you know and what you know could be all you need to save them.

3. Never Ever Forget Family, I know family is sometimes related by blood but never cease to be there for those who were your family when you needed one.

4. Learn to Let Go, For all I know and more, the very essence of life is in the moments  shared, memories created, tears that flowed or the words never spoken. Even though leaving someone you love behind is not so much of an easy task but love sometimes is letting go and allowing the person be who they want to be or perhaps giving yourself a chance to live without. Not that you're sufficient of your own self but your sufficiency is of God.

5. Live from Inside Out, that is, live from your spirit. Don't make hasty or rash decisions, remember there's a spirit inside you that guides you. He wasn't given just for show, He's now become a part of you, know it and live it out.

6. Remember you're the very expression of God in all His fullness. Don't live a natural life, learn to bring out money from the fish's mouth and practice calling forth those things that be not as though they were. For to be carnally minded is death. Pray, Fast, Make Melodies in your heart to God, Sing in the Holy Ghost, Study God's word and Stand your Ground. You are for Jesus till the end of time.

For all times, For every moment, For all smiles, For every word of prayer, For all challenges, For every Victory you've recorded. Yes!!! You did it, You're doing it and You'd keep this going for life. I love you son, I would always do. Happy Birthday Daniel Iduozee you are what the world needs especially at a time like this.

PS: You are now your mother's friend ooh, so you've gotta be talking to her more often.


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