Phavur's Diaries (vol 3)

I watched my phone every minute expecting to see his call or an appreciation message…I waited and waited and I had to sleep, at about 2’o clock in the morning my phone beeped. I jolted quickly out of dreamland and searched around for my phone hoping I didn’t miss the call I had been longing for.  Well instead of the thank you message, I got a warning from Tunde’s girlfriend asking me to stay away from him.
I was surprised Tunde never told me he was dating anyone, it was probably one of those silly jokes he usually sent to me so I just laughed and returned to bed. I woke up the next morning said my prayers, had my bath and set about my house chores. Immediately I was done I retired to my room and called Tunde but he didn’t pick so I sent him an instant message which he still didn’t respond to. Was something wrong I thought? could anything be the matter with him I was now afraid. I kept calling and calling but he still didn’t pick and then I remembered an advice my mentor gave me that  “when you feel uncertain about an issue and there’s no one you can talk to, run to the Holy Ghost you will find a friend in him, he’s the one that knows all things” So I went down on my kneels and asked the Holy Spirit, to help him if he was in danger and that the only way I could be sure he heard me is if Tunde called me before the day runs out… I never prayed as much as I did that day but I remember that afterwards I felt this peace on the inside of me and joy unspeakable.
After the prayer, I stopped calling him and just had this confidence in the Holy Spirit that he would take care of Tunde for me. Then, I took a quick nap and started preparing dinner afterwards. While I was cooking his call came in but at that moment I couldn’t pick it, I hurried with the cooking, set the table and called for everyone. I ate very happily and almost whistled at the table, even mum noticed the joy and asked if I had anything to share. I just smiled and said God is really wonderful for he is one that answers prayers. Thank God it wasn’t my turn to clean up the dishes so I greeted everyone goodnight at the table and went into my room. Just s I got in, Tunde’s call came in again and I didn’t even waste a second before I picked it he apologized for not picking my calls and expressed immense gratitude for the food and card I sent to him, and then we started gisting he said he was in and out of several meetings and the previous day and returned home really late. We talked for long and then I went to bed with a smile on my face.
Very early in the morning I got a call from an unknown number which I didn’t pick and then another warning message “stay away from Tunde young girl and for the records I am Caro his girlfriend”


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