Phavur's Diaries (Vol 7)

I woke up very late the following day, and thankfully no one was home..I quickly did all the essentials and headed downstairs to get something to eat. I really couldn't figure out what to eat so I just took a bottle of yoghurt from the fridge at least that was filling. I sat at the dining for a while and stared into space afterwards I went to the sitting room and just fumbled with the remote.. What exactly was wrong with me.. Why am I feeling this way?And then the Tunde-Caro-Mide saga filtered into my thoughts.. God what am I turning into? Am not known for all this pathetic love story..I sighed heavily and returned to reality when my phone beeped.. It was a message from my mentor asking me to go see him later in the evening which I haven't done in a million years.. I glance at the clock and its not even 3pm yet.. His later in the evening is usually 6:3opm..I decide to take a quick walk in the estate to   pass time.

Its a slow walk with songs from the famous Frank Edwards blaring in my ears from my IPhone... On my way back I receive a message from my sister asking me to help tidy her room and am about replying her when I bump head long into someone. I feel so embarrassed to look up so I just apologise under my breath when strong hands pull me back.. I look up and its Mide..So i playfully hit his arm and apologise properly..He looks somewhat tired and I begin to bombard him with silly questions and amazingly he answered me..

He was the exact opposite of Tunde..very calm and collected a bit shy and is not much of a talker..but of recent he's had a lot to say to me which brings my mind to the text he sent me yesterday.. "Mide the text you sent me yesterday what does it mean? Who is trying to deceive me? He doesn't answer but he just stares at me deeply.. I shake him and he still doesn't reply.. Mide!!! I shout his name three times and then he holds up my chin which I shove away his fingers quickly.. He clears his throat and answers me " Favour dear search your heart..look inwards the answer lies within you" And then he holds my hands and pulls me until we get to the front of my house..I am dazed at his response.. Inside me? Who could it be? What was his or her purpose? He ruffled my hair jolting me out of reverie..and I give him a weak smile and get in.

I take a second glance at the clock and jeez its 5:30pm already!! I have my sister's messy room to clear and I have to meet  up with my mentor too.. I quickly tidy her room and spray the freshener for the last time before heading out to my mentor's office..I'd need to take a I halt one and soon enough I arrive. He's not on seat and so I take that time to check through my phone..I listen to a couple of songs and then he walked up to me and snatches my phone away asking me to make a run for it..

That's how we are: playful sometimes and serious more often. He quickly pulls me into his warm embrace and I stay there for a while and recollect all the happenings in my life since I last saw him..he rubs my back and asks me to sit back on the sofa in his office which was where I had been the whole time waiting for him..He looks at me and creases his brows before starting off with "Sister where have you been? Is that how the love is now? I don't answer him but just lean in closer and hold his arms tight..We talk passively for about thirty minutes thereabout and then his secretary comes to remind him of a meeting he needs to prepare for. I get up to leave and he squeezes my palm this time, looking at me with so much love and concern he asks: Sweetheart who is Tunde?


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