9 Simple Tips On How To Get Younger Looking Skin

You pick up a copy of a fashion magazine and stare at the pictures of famous singers and actresses, what catches your attention the most is their perfectly tanned and glowing skin, then you a heave a long sigh as you recall the battle of ages you have been plunged into when it comes to your skin.

 You’ve tried every natural way known to the human race and you’re on the verge of giving up. Stop!!!! 

Let me HELP YOU, let me show you another way, it’s better than what you did before…just take a look.

Having a shiny and glowing skin isn’t such a big deal, there are just 9 ways to achieve that and I would show you here, the first is to:

1. Hydrate Yourself: This is the most important of all beauty tips for younger looking skin. Water makes up to around 65% of your body, and divesting yourself of it is a big no no to fabulous skin.

·         Drink 8-10 glasses of water to keep your skin hydrated.
·         Carry a bottle wherever you go, do not deprive your skin of water.

2. Eat a Balanced Diet: Have a hale and hearty meal that includes foods containing omega fatty acids and antioxidants. Increase your intake of pulses and fresh fruits like oranges and watermelons. Vegetables on the other hand, help to retain your skin’s glow.

3. Exfoliation: Have a regular exfoliation and cleansing routine. You can do this at home by using yogurt, oatmeal, and rosewater. Stick with natural skin care routines and spare your skin of the harsh chemicals. 

4. Get Proper Rest: Get plenty of rest. If you’re tired and your body doesn’t get enough rest, it shows on your skin. Dull and morose skin’s quickest cure is a deep sleep.

5. Moisturisation: Use a good moisturizer for your skin to help boost your skin’s cell regeneration. For nights, a thick and creamy moisturizer does wonders. Use an under eye gel and treat the skin under your eyes.

6. Be Fit and Healthy: Exercise regularly for a healthy body and skin. Try deep breathing exercises to keep your nerves calm. Stress is the biggest enemy for good skin.

7. Take Care of Your Makeup Brushes: Clean your make up brushes regularly as brushes filled with old make up may contain bacteria and causes breakouts,use baby shampoo and conditioner to clean them. 

8. Use the Right Pillowcase: Change your pillowcases frequently, cotton pillowcases take away all the moisture from your skin and leave it dry, flaky and causes sleep lines and wrinkles. Try and use silk and satin pillow cases.

9. De-Stress and Relax: Indulge in mini manicures and pedicures, massages and spas to relax your body and skin.
So lady, you're on your way to a perfectly healthy and glowing skin, I’ve tried this for a while and trust me it's gonna work...holla at me on IG @missphavur.


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